Legal Notice
Indigita SA
Rue de Lausanne 80
1202 Geneva
Company name: Indigita SA
Commercial register number: CHE-298.812.689
Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. By accessing this website and any pages thereof (hereinafter the "Website"), you acknowledge your agreement with and understanding of the following terms of use and legal information pertaining to both this Website and any material provided on and/or through it. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, do not access the Website or any pages thereof.
Indigita SA gives no guarantee either explicit or implicit that the information, content or advertisements (collectively, the “information”) contained on, distributed through, or linked, downloaded, or accessed from any of the services contained on this Website is complete, accurate and will be permanently available whenever and from wherever required. It excludes any liability for losses which are caused by the use of information which is contained in this or any another publication of Indigia SA. You hereby acknowledge that any reliance upon any information shall be at your sole risk. Indigita SA reserves the right, in its sole discretion and without any obligation, to make improvements to, or correct any error or omissions in any portion of information on the Website. Under no circumstances, including negligence without restriction, shall Indigita SA be liable for losses or damage of whatever kind. This includes direct, specific, indirect and consequential losses resulting from or in connection with access to the use, services or queries sought on the Indigita SA website or any link to other websites, even if Indigita SA has been informed of the possibility of such losses.
The information on services and products contained on the Website is exclusively for the purpose of information and does not constitute any offer from Indigita SA to procure or purchase these services or products. Indigita SA gives no guarantee that the services and products described on this Website are suitable for the purposes of any market participant. The contents of the Website may exclusively be printed or copied by other means for your personal and private or internal use. You must not modify, copy, send, transmit, expose, present, reproduce, publish, license, use as a frame in another website, transfer or create derivative products from contents of the Website, nor use such contents in any other way for commercial or public purposes, subject to any statutory usage permissions to the contrary.
Indigita SA is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy applies to our Website and associated websites, including www.indigita.com. This Privacy Policy lays down how Indigita SA collects, uses and processes personal information. It also states why we collect personal information, how we use cookies, when and how we disclose personal information to third parties, and how we safeguard your personal information.
By using the Website and associated websites, you consent to the data practices described in this Privacy Policy . If you do not agree with the data practices described in this Privacy Policy , you should not use the Website or associated websites.
The entire content of this Website and associated websites, is subject to copyright of Indigita SA and/or the author(s) named. The copyrights of third parties are reserved. The material is freely accessible for browsing purposes only. Explicit reference to Indigita SA must be made in the event that the material, or any part thereof, is reproduced in any form, whether written or electronic. Furthermore, any re-publication of this material for any public or commercial purpose requires prior written consent of Indigita SA. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice.
Indigita and the Indigita logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Indigita SA in Switzerland and in several other countries all over the world. All other products mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Activating certain links on the Indigita SA website may cause you to leave the Indigita SA website. Indigita AS has not reviewed any of the websites which link to the Website, and is not responsible for the content of off-site pages or any other websites linked from or linking to the Website. Following links to any off-site pages or other websites shall be at your own risk.
The views and opinions expressed by employees in blogs, comments and otherwise on the internet are not necessarily those of Indigita SA. On the contrary, these are personal statements expressed by the corresponding authors.
Please note that e-mail communication and browsing the internet is neither confidential nor secure due to technical reasons. Data is transmitted via a public network and in this context may be intercepted and viewed by third parties. Please be aware of the risks associated with the onward transmission of your data.You transmits your data exclusively on a voluntary basis and bear full responsibility for any misuse by unauthorized third parties. For its part, Indigita SA treats all data transmitted by the user as confidential and will not forward it to third parties.
Please do not send us any confidential information via e-mail. By sending an e-mail to Indigita SA you explicitly agree and accept that Indigita SA may answer your query via e-mail.
The entire content of this Website and associated websites, is subject to copyright of Indigita SA and/or the author(s) named. The copyrights of third parties are reserved. The material is freely accessible for browsing purposes only. Explicit reference to Indigita SA must be made in the event that the material, or any part thereof, is reproduced in any form, whether written or electronic. Furthermore, any re-publication of this material for any public or commercial purpose requires prior written consent of Indigita SA. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice.
Indigita and the Indigita logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Indigita SA in Switzerland and in several other countries all over the world. All other products mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
These terms and conditions are subject to, and shall be interpreted according to, Swiss law. You consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of Swiss courts in the same location as the registered office of Indigita SA. Should a provision of this legal notice be invalid, the validity of the other provisions shall not be affected. The invalid provision shall be replaced by the corresponding statutory provision.
© Copyright 2024, Indigita SA. All rights reserved.