Zurich, 6 May 2020 - Swiss regtech company Indigita has launched its new anti-money laundering Foundation course in close cooperation with regulatory knowledge provider BRP Bizzozero and Partners SA. The programme focuses on promoting knowledge of basic anti-money laundering concepts and provisions of Swiss regulation.

The theory part of the new training features interactive elements and combines the presentation of theoretical concepts with practical exercises to deepen knowledge. The e-learning course builds the entry point to Indigita’ s extended anti-money laundering learning path (AML Olympic), which has already been adopted by various institutions and triggered a highly positive response. With the Foundation course, participants will gain a basic understanding of anti-money laundering and CDB 20 definitions, the regulatory framework, tax offences as well as know-your-customer (KYC) and know-your-transactions (KYT) principles. The Foundation course is targeted primarily at new joiners in financial institutions to quickly build up essential knowledge in these areas and at experienced employees as a refresher to remind them of their AML obligations. At the end of the course, participants will take a final exam, providing financial institutions with proof that they have fulfilled their duty to train staff on anti-money laundering behaviour.
Indigita Head of E-Learning Andrea Briganti said: «Our new AML Foundation course completes the Indigita e-learning offering on AML and CDB 20 topics. Going forward, it will build the mandatory entry point to our extensive AML learning path, which we released in the last quarter of 2019. With its updated offering, Indigita provides a powerful and innovative e-learning solution to help financial intermediaries decrease the risk of sanctions caused by a breach of regulation.»
Alessandro Bizzozero, chairman of the board of Indigita, said: «We believe that the AML Foundation course simplifies a very complex topic and therefore is true to BRP’s motto of keeping things simple, even when dealing with highly complex matters.»